Genealogy Social Networking Day 7 - Google+

I use Blogger as my blogging platform, which makes it super easy to post everything to Google+. I know that many people don't use Google+ as regularly or at all, but there is actually quite an active genealogy community there. It is definitely worth looking into.

There are several large genealogy groups on Google+ that can keep you updated with news and information as well as just connecting with others who share your hobby/passion. For example, DearMYRTLE has a great group with over 2,500 members, and also links directly to Google Hangouts that happen regularly.

On it you can post and share updates, like Twitter, but it also has better connecting features for social purposes, like Facebook. The photo tagging is better, has great privacy controls, a nice app, and it integrates other google services, so switching over to your gmail or a search are super easy.

You can follow different people and put them into various 'circles', so your family and your genealogists can see different posts (since much of the family won't want to know about some random genealogy news). Or put people into more than one circle so, for example, my dad can be in family and genealogy. You can have as many different circles as you want, and put as many people in each circle as you want. Also, you can just look at the posts from each of your circles separately, so if you just want to see genealogy posts, you can go to your genealogy circle and just see those.

Are you on Google+ yet? Follow me!

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