Family History Month Day 2: Indexing

One quick family history related activity is indexing records. FamilySearch is a free website with tons of records online. Many of which are searchable. The way they get there is volunteers indexing the records. FamilySearch Indexing is a great way to 'pay it forward' with family history, and maybe you'll even find your own relatives while you're at it.
Some projects take a little as 5 minutes at a time. Others take a longer, but even just doing one will make a difference. There is even a mobile app for indexing on the go (waiting in a doctors office? why not index some records). If you speak a language other than English, there are lots of foreign projects with not enough indexers, so it's definitely a need that's worth looking in to.
They currently have over 1.2 billion records completely indexed, and almost 500 projects running currently. I'm sure you can find something to help with and keep that number of FREE records climbing.

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