Genealogy Social Networking Day 20 - Family Pursuit

Family Pursuit has 2 basic options, a personal family tree website, or a community tree. Joining the Community Tree is free, but hosting your private family tree is a paid subscription (all members of a site pay just one fee). They say one of their goals is to create a community for genealogists to network, share knowledge, and build relationships.

The Community Tree is a wiki based tree, where anyone can add information and people to the tree. With the community tree you can collaborate and network with many other genealogists all working toward one large family tree. Changes that are made can be undone if something was wrong. You can add ancestors to your 'watch' list, so if others make changes you can see them right away. You can also create research projects for yourself or multiple users.

The personal family tree websites are for you to collaborate just with the family members you want to. You can make your own family tree, and invite others individually to view and work on your tree with you. You can create assignments and projects for people on your site, which keeps duplicate research to a minimum. You also get notified when changes are made, so you know when people add information and sources. The private trees can also be synced with the FamilySearch tree, if you choose to activate that option.

Do you use Family Pursuit to pursue your family history?

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