Genealogy Social Networking Day 17 - Geni

Geni is a family tree website. They have both free and paid versions. You can create a family tree and invite you family to join. You can upload photos, documents, and other information about each person on your tree. Anyone can share their tree with anyone else and share documents and research. With a paid subscription you can choose to 'merge' your tree with the main worldwide family tree they have created.
When you create a tree you can choose to include contact information for living relatives and invite them to be a part of your tree, for them to view it and add to it. There is a family calendar, timeline, and news features that can be used with your tree. Within your family group you can highlight changes made to the tree, to spotlight research you all have been doing.
If you do a search through the website you can find other family trees that may include your relatives. You can use this to find more distant living relatives. You can then contact them and share information and even join each others family tree group.

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